Well over thirteen years ago I was crippled and living with constant pain due to complications from a car accident. After several unfortunate encounters with spiders, I began to descend into a nightmare of illness that was as perplexing to my doctor as it was to me. Confronted with most of the telltale horrific symptoms of Morgellons Disease (insomnia from constant itching, biting and crawling sensations, open lesions that would not heal, and rapidly degenerating physical and mental health), my wonderful physician refused to accept the prevailing dogma of western medicine which urged her to ignore my symptoms and label me as delusional. Having known me for years, my doctor knew I wasn’t crazy, so she agreed to watch over me and keep me safe as I researched my condition and sought out potential means to reduce my body's toxic burden and restore integrity to my bioterrain. However, things got much worse before they began to improve. A Cry for Help and a Promise My journey of discovery began with a cry for help and a promise. When my skin turned grey and I was covered with open sores, I turned to God for the first time in my life to ask for help with the promise that if I did not die as my doctors anticipated, I would dedicate the balance of my life to helping others. Not only did He preserve my life, but He restored my youthful enthusiasm for living and gave me new life as a new creation in Jesus Christ! Today my health (including my mobility) has been fully restored, and I have devoted the remainder of my life to serving others with similar challenges and witnessing the same miracle of transformation in their lives. Never did I think when I started to give back to others that my vision would expand to where it has today. Nor did I ever dare think that the healing protocol that was so instrumental in my recovery would be able to be applied to other diseases as well. ![]() There are a number of organizations that exist to raise awareness of the plight of Morgellons sufferers or to raise funds for researching the cause(s), symptoms, and/or possible treatments of the disease. The focus of our foundation is not to prove that Morgellons exists, but to reach out to those who are caught up in its grip (or other similar challenges) and give them hope, inspiration and assistance to recapture their lives. The reality of Morgellons and perhaps even its chief causes will one day be properly understood, but meanwhile, there are so many needlessly suffering in isolation and despair, often experimenting with dangerous self treatments. My life as well as many others' who are following our protocol are living proof that the human body is more than capable of overcoming this challenge when given the proper support. As you will see by the stories of life transformation shared here, God is still working in and through the lives of His people. We are humbled and thankful to serve Him alongside you, and we value and covet your prayers and financial support. On behalf of those souls who, like I once was, are now trapped in a nightmare of suffering, fear and despair, I thank you in advance for helping us share His love with them. God Bless; Never, Never give up Hope! Mel Friedman |