“My people perish for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6)
We believe that all healing comes from within through the One who created and sustains us, and that faith in Jesus Christ* is essential to overcoming every challenge we face and reaching our full potential in this life.
We believe that God is actively working in and through the lives of His people in order to demonstrate His power, His glory and His great love for us. Since we alone are made in His triune image, we believe that restoring one's health requires nourishment of the body, mind and spirit.
We recognize that all things are passing away and that mankind appears to be on a progressive collision course of self destruction that will eventually result in the judgment and then renewal of our planet, and the restoration of our bodies and unhindered eternal fellowship with God.
We see that despite all of man’s great advances in science and medicine, new

We believe these “toxicity diseases” and their various opportunistic coinfections are end times plagues that are the inevitable result of the ignorance, greed and arrogance of mankind. Furthermore, we are all being exposed to the various agents causing their proliferation, and the only recourse we as individuals have is to seek the restoration and proper maintenance of our bioterrain.
We believe that although we are living in perilous times, God in His manifold wisdom has made provision to rehabilitate and protect the human bioterrain by covering the earth with herbs, nutrients and natural medicines. We rejoice that God gives knowledge and wisdom to those who diligently seek Him, and we humbly and gratefully acknowledge His leading in assimilating the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol and other inspired nutritional products we employ to promote restoration in those we serve.
"If we as Christians are to make an impact for His Kingdom in the 21st century, we must put our faith into action by reaching out to the broken-hearted, giving Hope to the desperate and victory to the downtrodden." - Mel Friedman
Core Values
- We conduct ourselves at all times as ambassadors of Jesus Christ.
- We value our staff by training, developing, supporting, and recognizing them. We provide authentic benefit to those we serve.
- We raise funds with integrity and utilize the financial resources entrusted to us responsibly.
Guiding Principles
- We minister only where we are invited.
- We treat those we work with and encounter with respect, courtesy, honesty and integrity.
HCA Statement of Faith
To view the HCA Statement of Faith PDF, click here.
* If you do not know Christ as your savior,Check This Out!