Logos Nutritionals
What can one ever say to the person most responsible for saving one's life, and in turn for my ability to save a thousand others’ lives? What can one say to a person that has spent fourteen years serving the toxic disease community in the hopes of restoring the health of it's sufferers; a never ending battle to continuously improve the protocols to combat diseases as they mutate in our toxic world? What can one say to a person that has had the patience to teach me how to better serve all of you? What can one say about John, Jill, Glenn and the extended Logos Nutritionals family who have continuously given sacrificially to this community through their enormous product discounts, and being generous with his time by joining us on conference calls, and providing answers on the forums? They do this because they are deeply committed to our healing. There is a ten year history that is quite visible on the howicuredmorgellons.com website that documents their efforts to serve our fellow man. I will add this one last point. When we encountered a bump in the road for the He Cures All Foundation, Logos Nutritionals extended the foundation credit to continue to supply the protocol to those the foundation was funding at that time. I once told Glenn "John's no saint, but he's the closest thing I have EVER known!” GOD BLESS YOU JOHN AND LOGOS AND YOUR FAMILIES. BECAUSE OF YOU, WE ALL SAVE LIVES TOGETHER. With undying gratitude, Mel http://www.logosnutritionals.com |