Expressions of gratitude from those whose lives are being transformed as a result of information and support being made available through the He Cures All Foundation. |
A Testimonial From Down Under
In Memory of My Mother
My shipments of the protocol arrived again today
On behalf of all who so deeply depend on the Foundation, please accept sincere thanks.
Thanks to those whose generous donations are saving lives by making these precious products available.
You are making a life-saving effort.
What a marvelous creation! I am referring to the "He Cures All Foundation". It has taken one with your genius, dedication and concern for Morgellons victims to spearhead such a monumental project. This foundation brings comfort to hurting suffering humanity who are desperate. I know for I am one of them. I am blessed to have the protocol sent to me in conjunction with this endeavor. It is a privilege that I certainly do not take lightly. As I write this, my blood stream is being rejuvenated by the protocol. New Life is being infused into my body, which energizes me. The calls, emails, smiles, assistance, I receive from you are uplifting and appreciated beyond anything you can conceive of. I am so thankful to our brilliant John B. for spending his time and energy to brainstorm Morgellons and design the Extension to the Wellness Protocol. This is undoubtedly a divine gift to the Morgellons community. John would desire me to give the Glory to God, I know. Glory to God!!! I find myself unworthy to unlatch and walk a mile in Mel or John's sandals. Website Morgellon warriors, be cognizant we are being touched and renewed by Angels in human form (Mel F. and John B.). This foundation has undertaken the sponsorship of Mel's protocol for those who have nowhere to turn. I know for I am one. I LEAVE LOVE, PEACE AND JOY WITH ALL!!!!! Blessings, Rose |
In Memory of My Mother
I wanted to write a brief note to say thank you once again for all your help and encouragement in the early days of my illness and my daughter's. She and I are doing much better and progressing as you might expect. some ups and downs, but a slow movement toward better health and freedom from Morgellons. We are about to pass the five month mark and I know that we will make it the full eighteen months with God's continued blessing. My elderly mother, whom I have been caring for in the midst of our Morgellons crisis, passed away recently. She was a woman who walked in close fellowship with the Lord Jesus since childhood and I know she is rejoicing in His presence now. In the last months of her life she was so concerned for us even though we revealed very little about the disease to her. She still knew we were sick and often said she wished there were something she could do to help. She left a small amount to me at her passing, and I couldn't think of a better way to grant her that wish than to pass this check on to the He Cures All Foundation. I hope it blesses your work and brings the protocol to more individuals and families who might otherwise be unable to get well. Thank you again for your ministry to myself and my daughter and for all you are doing for others who suffer with us. Deborah B. |
Another month of support thru the foundation:) and we are soo extremley grateful!! I admit when we are low on our supplements I get a little nervous - thinking all these what if's.. I wouldn't be able to afford the protocol for myself, let alone my son. With your continued support and donations, my son and I are both fully on the protocol and healing! Honestly I throw my hands up to God almost daily, sometimes more, saying this is yours. I know this has all been worked out for us,and like clockwork our meds arrive!! IT IS THROUGH ALL OF YOU MY SON AND I ARE WORKING TOWARD OUR FULL RECOVERY!!! I may never have words enough to express my gratitude but I can try. God is working through each of you who donate. You are our angels truly! Thank you for believing our needs are real,and not imagined! Thank you for giving me my health, sanity, and security to take care of my little boy! I really couldn't do this without you! I have made all the diet changes and adjusted my life to fully embrace the protocol and allow the meds to work. I am determined to conquer this. I have FAITH~ WE will be/ARE HEALED! You are saving our lives, and you don't even know us, but we love you. I want you to know I truly love each of you!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and the depth of my soul. I am eternally grateful! Oh and not sure if I should put this out there but to me it's something .. I took my GED test Morgellons and all, and passed!! You would think I got my Masters w/ honors or something:) but my point is I'm working toward a better future with your help! I will continue to heal all aspects of my life in the light with love ... Keep the faith warriors! Know you're healed! Love Always, Nicole |
My shipments of the protocol arrived again today
Thank you for valuing my life and all those lives you are helping. I am starting to feel some definite improvements Praise God. Thank you so very much! Nancy G |
On behalf of all who so deeply depend on the Foundation, please accept sincere thanks.
The Foundation fundraising work is done by you day in and day out and often in the face of what could best be described as insurmountable challenges . When funding for sick and desperate people is needed, you find creative alternatives to make sure that those who are sick and financially exhausted are still able to get help. When new obstacles make it difficult for people, many of which are children, to start the protocol, you partner together with and through the Foundation to develop and fund meds for them. Without your dedication to finding needed funds and your commitment to assist, recovery would be so much more difficult for so many. Perhaps this is not said nearly as often as it should be. So on behalf of all who so deeply depend on the Foundation, please accept sincere thanks as you continue to provide and expand the world of possibilities for becoming well again!! 'MAY GOD BLESS and KEEP YOU!'! Peter |
Thanks to those whose generous donations are saving lives by making these precious products available.
I was able to purchase the protocol for my first month thanks to a loving and understanding friend. I planned to continue the protocol on my own, as there were already notable improvements in my health; however, I had an unexpected temporary financial setback and just could not afford to replenish my supply. I e-mailed Mel and asked him if the foundation could help me. I thought to myself, I know funds must be limited as there are thousands of people with Morgellons around the world today searching for a cure, many I am sure that have fallen into financial hardship. Imagine my delight when Mel called me and said "Yes! We can help you." I received my precious packages just last week. I owe a big thank you to the He Cures All Foundation for helping me and others like myself suffering with Morgellons to obtain the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol items we so desperately need but cannot afford. Thanks to those whose generous donations are saving lives by making these precious products available, those whose time and efforts make it all work, the helpful caring people at Logos Nutritionals, A2Z, and God for being with me all the way. Words cannot express how grateful I really am!” Carol W. |
You are making a life-saving effort.
Thank you for your support. I am getting better incrementally thanks to your generosity, concern and devotion. You are making a live-saving effort. We can pray that the powers that be will wake up and help with this disease(s). God is with us and so are you. God Bless, Leah F. |