In Memory of My Mother
I wanted to write a brief note to say thank you once again for all your help and encouragement in the early days of my illness and my daughter's. She and I are doing much better and progressing as you might expect. some ups and downs, but a slow movement toward better health and freedom from Morgellons. We are about to pass the five month mark and I know that we will make it the full eighteen months with God's continued blessing. My elderly mother, whom I have been caring for in the midst of our Morgellons crisis, passed away recently. She was a woman who walked in close fellowship with the Lord Jesus since childhood and I know she is rejoicing in His presence now. In the last months of her life she was so concerned for us even though we revealed very little about the disease to her. She still knew we were sick and often said she wished there were something she could do to help. She left a small amount to me at her passing, and I couldn't think of a better way to grant her that wish than to pass this check on to the He Cures All Foundation. I hope it blesses your work and brings the protocol to more individuals and families who might otherwise be unable to get well. Thank you again for your ministry to myself and my daughter and for all you are doing for others who suffer with us. Deborah B. |